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Board Position Descriptions


The purpose of this Manual is to provide guidance to PTCMW Officers and the Chairs of standing committees. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, the PTCMW bylaws take precedence in the case of any conflicts. The master copy of this document is maintained by the Secretary of PTCMW. Therefore, any corrections, modifications, or updates should be forwarded to the Secretary for inclusion in this document. The Secretary will be responsible for obtaining Board approval for anything other than minor edits.



The President chairs the Board, supervises PTCMW's day-to-day operations, appoints committees, and serves as PTCMW's primary representative to outside organizations. Key responsibilities of the President include maintaining the strength and integrity of PTCMW, leading the development of the annual budget, keeping the membership well informed about PTCMW operations, and delivering an annual address on a topic relevant to PTCMW.

Ongoing Tasks

  • Respond to inquiries from members and entities outside of PTCMW.
  • Work with Board to establish special projects and initiatives to advance the goals of PTCMW and identify people to help carry out these initiatives.
  • Follow-up with Board members, committee chairpersons and other volunteers to assure that they have sufficient direction and support to carry out their responsibilities.
  • Encourage members to participate in PTCMW activities and find ways to use the skills of willing volunteers.

Monthly Tasks

  • Write the President's Note for publication on the website.
  • Attend the monthly luncheon meeting whenever possible.
  • Support web conference set up and facilitation when needed.

Quarterly Tasks

  • Write the President's Message for inclusion in the newsletter.
  • Review the final draft of newsletter before printing.

Board Meeting Tasks

  • Coordinate with Board members to schedule Board meetings; the Board must meet at least 4 times per year.
  • Develop and circulate Board meeting agendas.
  • Preside over Board meetings (including calling for votes as necessary; a quorum of 4 members is required to hold a vote).

Annual Tasks

  • Work with outgoing President and incoming Treasurer to develop an annual budget.
  • Identify committee chairpersons and work with these individuals to assure adequate staffing of committees throughout the year.
  • Deliver a Presidential address at the last luncheon of the year (December).
  • Provide small gifts or other recognition (e.g., a group dinner) to Board members and committee chairpersons at the end of the year. This is paid for out of the PTCMW budget.
  • Work with incoming President and Treasurer to develop an annual budget and initiate membership renewal campaign for beginning of the year. 



The President-Elect serves as a member of the Board and is responsible for assisting the President or other Board members, where appropriate, and for preparing for the next year's function as President. In addition, the President-Elect will assume the President's position should this position become vacant during the current term.

Monthly Tasks

  • There are no specific mandatory monthly tasks.
  • It is highly desirable for the President-Elect to attend the monthly luncheons.

Board Meeting Tasks

  • Attend scheduled Board meetings and report on any special projects.
  • Offer to assist others where appropriate.

Annual Tasks

  • Assist the incoming President in selecting new committee members for the next year.
  • Offer suggestions to the Past President for nominations for next year's officers.
  • Stephen E. Bemis Award - Each year, PTCMW may choose to nominate an individual for the Bemis Award. The President-Elect is responsible for managing the nomination process and is PTCMW's representative on the IPMAAC award selection committee.
  • In early January, notify the IMPAAC Bemis Award Committee Chair that you are PTCMW's representative. Your notification should include your name, address, and phone number. (For the past several years, the contact person has been Lynne L. Jantz with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept/Personnel; #702-229-3981.)
  •          In consultation with the Board and any other members of the organization, identify a worthy individual for nomination.
    • A notice should be put in the newsletter and possibly on the website announcing the search for a candidate.
    • The Board will select a nominee or may choose not to nominate anyone.
  • Obtain assistance in preparing the nomination. (In order to maintain IPMAAC selection committee voting rights, the President-Elect should not be involved in writing up the nomination.)
  • Send the nomination documentation to the IPMAAC committee contact person by the stated deadline (typically around the end of March).
  • Vote for a first and second choice based on the documentation provided by the IPMAAC contact person. (The President-Elect cannot vote if s/he was instrumental in preparing PTCMW's actual written nomination.)
  • Inform the Board of the Bemis Award winner. The Award is usually announced at the summer IPMAAC conference. The selection committee members are not directly notified. You may need to contact the IMPAAC selection committee chair after the conference to identify the award recipient.



The immediate Past-President serves as the Acting President in the absence of the President and President-Elect, chairs the Elections Committee, provides general assistance to the President, and serves as a member of the Board.

The Elections Committee administers all PTCMW elections, including annual elections of Board members, bylaws, recall, and referendum. Because the annual election of Board members is a consistent and major responsibility of the Past-President, the tasks involved with that responsibility are outlined below. Refer to the PTCMW Bylaws for rules governing conduct of bylaws, recall, and referendum votes.

Board Member Election Tasks

  • Develop a project timeline to ensure that ballots are sent (via email distribution) to the members no later than September 1, as required in the PTCMW bylaws.
  • About 8 to 10 weeks before ballots are to be sent, solicit nominations for each office (President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Recorder) through one or more of the following methods:
    • Publish announcement in the newsletter requesting nominations
    • Request nominations from Board members
    • Solicit nominations directly from other PTCMW members
    •     Verify that prospective nominees meet the following eligibility requirements:
      • Current regular member of PTCMW for at least one year at the time of nomination,
      • Have good standing within the profession,
      • Willing to work actively for the objectives of PTCMW.
    • Obtain biographical summaries from each of the nominees.
    • Prepare distribution package including official online ballot, email invitation, cut-off date for voting, and biographical summaries.
    • Obtain email addresses from PTCMW secretary.
    • Prepare mailing list to only those members eligible to vote (regular members, not student or complimentary members).
    • Email ballots by September 1st.
    • Tally final votes. (The candidate who receives the most votes will be elected to each office.)
    • Coordinate announcement of new officers with President and newsletter editor.
  • Retain official vote database (or access to an online database) for at least 6 months after the election. 



The Vice President for Programs is responsible for producing monthly luncheon programs on topics relevant to PTCMW and serves as a member of the Board. The Vice President for Programs will serve as the Acting President in the absence of the President, President-Elect, and immediate Past-President.

Monthly Tasks

  • Schedule the luncheon with the facility (e.g., George Mason)
  • Ensure that appropriate equipment is available at the facility (e.g., computer, internet access, webcast access, projector, screen, microphone, etc.). Note that the Vice President should coordinate with the President and/or Treasurer to ensure that equipment is available in situations where they cannot attend the event.  
  • Work with facilities to order lunch and coordinate food logistics (e.g., menu, where food is set up, etc.)
  • Provide speaker information to PTCMW board/committee members
  • Coordinate with PTCMW website management to post luncheon details in a timely fashion
  • Notify speaker of time, date, location, and lunch menu, and that lunch is complementary
  • Work with upcoming speaker to prepare description of upcoming lunch presentations the PTCMW website and newsletter
    • Ensure presentation is loaded onto the WebCast software
    •     Clarify permission regarding webCast forum and permission to record (we will record if the speaker grants permission)
  • Introduce the lunch speakers
  • Provide speaker with memento
  • Work with past speakers to provide a written summary of lunch presentations for the PTCMW website and newsletter

Annual Tasks

  • Identify and schedule speakers for 11 monthly luncheons (9 for the present calendar year [including the presidential address] and 2 for January and February of the next year)
  • Obtain/purchase PTCMW memento to provide to speakers
  • Evaluate facility and confirm use for the next year
  • Ensure scheduled lunch/workshop dates do not conflict with related conferences (e.g., SIOP, IPAC)
  • Prepare PTCMW’s annual call for outstanding student contribution to IO Psychology
  • Manage student submissions and develop a submission rating system (e.g., asking a few PTCMW members to volunteer to review submissions)
  • Summarize ratings and decide upon a student winner(s)  



The Secretary maintains the organization's official records and documents, produces an annual membership directory, coordinates mass mailings, and serves as a member of the Board.

Weekly Tasks

  • Monitor Secretary email account for membership form submissions.
  • If there are membership submissions, update information in the membership directory and specify what information should be included in the directory.
  • Send new members or renewed members a welcome email from the President.
  • Address any changes to membership information in the online directory.

Monthly Tasks

  • E-mail the membership database to the Newsletter Editor for printing of newsletter mailing address labels and/or electronic delivery of newsletters.
  • E-mail a list of new members to the Newsletter Editor to include in the newsletter.

Board Meeting Tasks

  • Report on the current membership broken out by Student and Regular members.

Annual Tasks

  • The Membership Committee will assist with this effort.
  • o    Change all addresses (e.g., membership forms, web page membership form, brochure) to ensure that they reflect the current Secretary's address.
  • o    Prepare and mail out the annual renewal letters and forms in December.
  • o    Although the budget plan for the following year will not yet be underway, ask that the Board make a decision about membership dues in early November so that you can begin preparing the renewal forms.
  • o    Have the President-Elect prepare the cover letter that will be mailed with the renewal form. (The letter remains very similar from year to year, so an efficient way to complete this task is to prepare a draft letter based on the previous years' letter and ask the President-Elect to modify it.)
  • o    Both the Membership Committee and the Secretary-Elect can be expected to assist with this project.
  • o    Make sure that you have the new Secretary's address on the renewal information.

Quarterly Tasks

  • Notify contributors of regular features to the Quarterly Newsletter of their assignments at least 30 days in advance of the submission deadline. The following is a listing of the regular features in the newsletter, with the responsible Board Member of Committee Chair in parentheses:
    • President's Message column (President)
    • Legal News column (Legal)
    • Announcement(s) about upcoming Luncheon or Breakfast Workshop (Vice President for Luncheons; Training Chair for Breakfast Workshops)
    • Summaries of past Luncheons or Breakfast Workshops (Vice President for Luncheons; Training Chair for Breakfast Workshops)
    • Professional calendar (Calendar)
    • Members news (Newsletter Editor)
    • Job announcements or other special calls and professional announcements (Newsletter Editor)
  • Serve as the point-of-contact for submissions to the newsletter. Recruit persons to submit featured articles or columns to the newsletter. Coordinate with author(s) on article submissions.
  • Prepare the Quarterly Newsletter for publication. Format submissions for newsletter. Proofread and edit articles in accordance with the Quarterly Newsletter Publication Policy (last reviewed and approved by the Board in late October 2006).
  • Submit the Quarterly Newsletter to the PTCMW President for review before e-mailing the newsletter.
  • Publish a copy of the newsletter’s Publication Policy in at least one issue of the newsletter. Typically, the policy has been published in the March edition.
  • E-mail an electronic copy of the newsletter to the Webmaster (as a PDF file) for posting to the website on a staggered quarterly basis (i.e., the March Quarterly is posted to the website in June, the June Quarterly in September, etc.). 

Annual Tasks

  • Update and maintain Quarterly Newsletter archives, hard copy and electronic. Save at least three hard copies of printed newsletter. Note: May share these responsibilities with other members of the communications committee.   
  • Update and maintain archives for the website (President’s notes, presentation summaries, etc.)
  • Update and maintain Quarterly Newsletter database. Index newsletter articles, including date published, author, and title (if relevant).
  • E-mail copies of published articles and database index, as requested (for a designated fee).
  • Provide a list of articles in the Quarterly Newsletter to Secretary for inclusion in the annual Membership Directory.



The Treasurer is responsible for managing the finances of the organization, assists in the development of the annual budget, and serves as a member of the Board.

Monthly Tasks

  • Attend each monthly luncheon/workshop meeting.
    • Before each luncheon, obtain list of attendees.
    • Download the list of people who have prepaid from PayPal.
    • Individuals who are not comfortable with paying online will e-mail the Treasurer to sign up. Keep a running list of these individuals.
    • Webcast attendees must pay online
  • Take the following materials to the venue:
    • Change for attendees who pay with cash
    • Blank check to pay venue (if applicable)
    • Lunch prices sign
    • Entrée cards (if applicable)
    • Receipt book
    • Name tags
    • Pens
    • Membership forms
    • Arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to start time to set up:
      • §  Use a table in front of the door as a sign-in desk.
      • §  Use a separate table in the room for the receipt book, entrée ticket cards, name tags, and pens.
  • As attendees arrive:
    • Collect payments at door. [Speaker(s), one sponsor representative, VP of Programs, and Treasurer are not required to pay.]
    • Have change for those who pay in cash.
    • Check off attendees on list.  If paid on-site, fill in the amount paid.
    • Provide receipts to those who request them or explain that receipt book is on separate table.
    • Remind attendees of their ordered entrée (if applicable).
    • Have membership forms available for nonmembers or others who might want them.
    • Point attendees to separate table for name tags and entrée cards.
  • Deal with unscheduled attendees:
    • Every now and then, someone attends who is not on the list. When you get a chance, and if applicable, help the person find a waiter so that s/he can put in a lunch order. (If there are no-shows and lunch is not buffet-style, try to persuade the person to accept the extra lunch if we will pay for it anyway.)
  • Before you leave:
    • Collect the entrée cards (if applicable).
    • Pack up unused name tags, pens, receipt book, etc.
    • If paying on-site, check total before paying bill.  Pay with a combination of check and cash.
    • Always verify the bill.  In the past, we have had experience with a venue making an error about 25% of the time and including a charge that they shouldn't, so always check. We should not be charged tax.
    • Get receipt for the bill.
  • Pay bills
    • Expense reimbursement for speakers or board members
    • Luncheon/workshop venue bill, if not paid on-site
    • Monthly website PPP
    • Fee to webmaster for website maintenance
    • Reconcile monthly bank statements

Board Meeting Tasks

  • Prepare budget report summarizing current assets and including all activity since last report.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings, distribute copy of budget report to all attendees, and report on the budget during meeting.

Annual Tasks

  • Work with the incoming President to develop the annual budget.
  • Provide Newsletter Editor with Annual Budget for publication. (See previous newsletters for recent examples of annual budget layout.)
  • Every other year: Pay DC taxes.
  • End of year: Close out current year budget by ensuring that all needed bills are received and paid.
  • Provide Newsletter Editor with Year-End Budget Report (typically published with Next Year's Annual Budget; see previous newsletters for recent examples of year-end budget reports).
  • Provide historical materials to the next Treasurer including previous ledgers (pass along the previous 4-5 years) and the bank statements, bills, etc. from the past year. 



The Recorder maintains the organization's official meeting notes and serves as a member of the Board. 

Board Meeting Tasks

  • Compile all information about Board meeting activities.
  • Take notes during all Board meetings.
  • Gather copies of all written materials provided at Board meetings.
  • Distribute a draft of the meeting notes to Board Members for review and comment. (Note: This should be done as soon after the meeting as possible.)
  • Incorporate feedback from Board Members into draft of meeting notes.
  • Provide a copy hardcopy of meeting notes (at subsequent meeting) for final review and acceptance by the Board.
  • Make final changes to meeting notes, if necessary.
  • Complete final meeting notes packet (notes and written materials).
  • File final meeting notes packet.


Annual Tasks

  • Make sure meeting notes are complete at end of each year.
  • Deliver all files to incoming Recorder.


Other Tasks

  • Assist other Board Members as necessary.



The Elections Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for administering all elections (e.g., annual, bylaws, recall, referendum). The Past President will serve as Chair of the Elections Committee.


See the Past President's task page for a listing of the Elections Committee Chair's duties. 



The Legal and Legislative Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for keeping the membership informed about important legislation, court cases, and other relevant legal developments. The Chair of the Legal and Legislative Committee is appointed by the President and is responsible for coordinating the efforts of committee members.

Ongoing Tasks

  • Identify Federal legislation and/or agency regulations that may affect employment testing and strategize with the PTCMW officers to prepare response.
  • Coordinate with members of the Legal and Legislative Committee to cover pending or anticipated legislative or regulatory action.
  • Prepare articles for the PTCMW newsletter on relevant legislation or litigation of interest to the PTCMW membership.
  • Monitor U.S. Supreme Court cases to identify cases of interest or importance to PTCMW members.
  • As time allows, monitor and report on state-level legislation or litigation of interest to the PTCMW membership.



The Membership Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for developing and administering programs to attract and retain members. The Chair of the Membership Committee is appointed by the President and is responsible for coordinating the efforts of committee members.

Committee Tasks

  • Meet with committee members to communicate tasks, generate membership development ideas, and coordinate committee efforts.
  • Conduct research and/or survey the PTCMW membership to respond to Board requests for information.
  • Coordinate with Secretary on individual PTCMW member requests for information (e.g., membership status, address changes).

Board Meeting Tasks

  • Prepare status report summarizing all activity since last report and forward to President prior to Board meeting.



The Training Committee Chair is responsible for producing workshops, conferences, and other training programs on topics relevant to PTCMW. The Chair of the Training Committee is appointed by the President and is responsible for coordinating the efforts of committee members.

Annual Tasks

  • Identify and schedule speakers for three three-hour workshops (March, July, and October)
  • Obtain from VP of Programs PTCMW memento to provide to speakers
  • Ensure scheduled workshop dates do not conflict with related conferences (e.g., SIOP, IPMAAC).

Workshop Tasks

  • Prepare workshop registration form and submit it to the newsletter
  • Find workshop sponsor ($250 each workshop, includes 1 luncheon)
  • Notify speaker of time, date, location, and lunch menu
  • Coordinate with the individual who takes the regular luncheon reservations (this individual will receive registrations and payments and forward payments to the Treasurer)
  • Receive names of workshop participants from the reservations person [Speaker(s), Sponsor, and Training Committee Chair are not required to pay]
  • Obtain check and other luncheon materials (e.g., name tags, entrée cards) from Treasurer
  • Check in attendees as they arrive for the workshop (or ask treasurer to do it if the treasurer is attending)
  • Bring (or ask VP to bring) overhead and screen to workshop
  • Introduce the workshop speakers
  • Pay the restaurant for the lunches and provide receipt to Treasurer
  • Summarize workshop presentations for newsletter
  • Prepare description of upcoming workshop presentations for newsletter
  • Provide speaker with memento
  • Provide speaker information to Calendar Committee



The Communications Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for publishing a monthly newsletter, maintaining the website, and producing other communications as seen fit by the Board. The Communications Committee is co-chaired by the Newsletter Editor and the Website Subcommittee Chair who are both appointed by the President.


Monthly Tasks

  • Notify regular contributors to the Monthly Updates of their assignments at least 21 days in advance of the submission deadline. The following is a listing of the regular features in the Monthly Update, with the responsible Board Member of Committee Chair in parentheses:
    • o    President's Note column (President)
    • o    Legal Front column (Legal)
    • o    Announcement(s) about upcoming Luncheons or Breakfast Workshops (Vice President for Luncheons; Training Chair for Breakfast Workshops)
    • o    Summaries of past Luncheons or Breakfast Workshops (Vice President for Luncheons; Training Chair for Breakfast Workshops)
    • o    Professional calendar (Calendar)
    • o    Members news (Newsletter Editor)
    • o    Job announcements or other special calls and professional announcements (Newsletter Editor)
  • Prepare and e-mail the Monthly Update to the membership. The Monthly Update e-mail typically includes:
    • A preview of the President’s Note.
    • Announcement(s) about upcoming Luncheons and Breakfast Workshops.
    • Special announcement(s) about other important PTCMW news or events (e.g., PTCMW Board Election results, call for nominations for the annual Stephen Bemis Award).
    • A partial listing of HR/personnel assessment headlines in the news.
    • A preview of the Legal Front.
    • A listing of special professional calls and announcements.
    • Links to Member News and the Professional Calendar.
  • Serve as the point-of-contact for job announcement submissions. Answer questions about posting job announcements to the website. Format job announcements and submit them to the Webmaster for posting to the website. Typically, it takes one-three business days for job openings to be posted to the website. Coordinate with the Webmaster on the updating or deletion of posted job openings, as needed.
  • E-mail announcements to the membership on upcoming Luncheons and Breakfast Workshops and other important PTCMW news or events, as requested by the Board. Typically, two-three announcements are e-mailed about upcoming Luncheons and Workshops in the weeks leading up to the event.
  • E-mail special announcements to the membership about important professional news or developments impacting HR/personnel assessment.

Quarterly Tasks

  • Notify contributors of regular features to the Quarterly Newsletter of their assignments at least 30 days in advance of the submission deadline. The following is a listing of the regular features in the newsletter, with the responsible Board Member of Committee Chair in parentheses:
    • President's Message column (President)
    • Legal News column (Legal)
    • Announcement(s) about upcoming Luncheon or Breakfast Workshop (Vice President for Luncheons; Training Chair for Breakfast Workshops)
    • Summaries of past Luncheons or Breakfast Workshops (Vice President for Luncheons; Training Chair for Breakfast Workshops)
    • Professional calendar (Calendar)
    • Members news (Newsletter Editor)
    • Job announcements or other special calls and professional announcements (Newsletter Editor)
  • Serve as the point-of-contact for submissions to the newsletter. Recruit persons to submit featured articles or columns to the newsletter. Coordinate with author(s) on article submissions.
  • Prepare the Quarterly Newsletter for publication. Format submissions for newsletter. Proofread and edit articles in accordance with the Quarterly Newsletter Publication Policy (last reviewed and approved by the Board in late October 2006).
  • Submit the Quarterly Newsletter to the PTCMW President for review before e-mailing the newsletter.
  • Publish a copy of the newsletter’s Publication Policy in at least one issue of the newsletter. Typically, the policy has been published in the March edition.
  • E-mail an electronic copy of the newsletter to the Webmaster (as a PDF file) for posting to the website on a staggered quarterly basis (i.e., the March Quarterly is posted to the website in June, the June Quarterly in September, etc.).

Annual Tasks

  • Update and maintain Quarterly Newsletter archives, hard copy and electronic. Save at least three hard copies of printed newsletter. Note: May share these responsibilities with other members of the communications committee.   
  • Update and maintain archives for the website (President’s notes, presentation summaries, etc.)
  • Update and maintain Quarterly Newsletter database. Index newsletter articles, including date published, author, and title (if relevant).
  • E-mail copies of published articles and database index, as requested (for a designated fee).
  • Provide a list of articles in the Quarterly Newsletter to Secretary for inclusion in the annual Membership Directory.·
  • Provide historical materials to the next Treasurer including previous ledgers (pass along the previous 4-5 years) and the bank statements, bills, etc. from the past year.  


Ongoing Tasks

  • Meet with committee members to communicate tasks and to coordinate committee efforts.
  • Respond to Board requests for information.
  • Coordinate with Newsletter Editor and other PTCMW committee members to obtain website content.
  • Facilitate archival process for past newsletters and Board meeting minutes.
  • Upload archived newsletters and meeting minutes into designated areas of PTCMW website.
  • Respond to website requests for information.
  • Update and/or enhance web pages, including calendar of events, announcements, legal updates, membership form, and related links.
  • Use website development tools (e.g., Netscape Gold) to update website pages and enhance format and functionality.
  • Use FTP to transfer files to third-party web hosting service.

Board Meeting Tasks

  • Prepare status report summarizing all activity since last report and forward to President prior to Board meeting.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings, distribute copy of status report to all attendees, and report on committee activities, as requested.

Annual Tasks

  • Upload previous year's newsletters onto the PTCMW home page.
  • Coordinate with PTCMW treasurer to approve annual payment to third party web hosting service.

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